
Welcome to Essentially Yours – Health, Beauty & Nutrition!

Hi there!  My name is Sharon, and I am glad you are visiting my site.  I have a wonderful family, and I feel blessed to be able to care for them using Young Living essential oils.  These oils have been such a special gift to us.

My son, being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, is really what brought me to these therapeutic grade essential oils. Through the years, we have tried many different therapies, diets, and supplements for treatment.  We saw gains with some of these approaches, but we have seen better social interaction, eye contact, patience, problem solving, language skills and sleep, once we began using Young Living essential oils.

During my early research of essential oils, I began reading about aromatherapy and almost wanted to stop my research, because I I thought the therapy sounded “New-Agey.”  Then I read the book, Healing Oils of the Bible, and found out that essential oils were used during biblical times and were some of man’s first medicine.  Medicine given to us from God.

After a month of using Young Living essential oils, we noticed a decrease in our monthly budget for over-the-counter and pharmaceutical drugs.  It has been a blessing financially, as well as physically, to replace man-made drugs with essential oils in our family’s medicine cabinet.  This past winter was one of the worst in decades, and I truly believe it was one of our healthiest winters, yet.  Our only change in our daily routine, was the use of Young Living essential oils.

Young Living offers a lot of different essential oils, and one of my favorite oil is Lavender.  This oil is a superhero at our house.  It has so many great properties:  anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-histamine.  We diffuse it, wear it on our feet, and also drop it underneath our tongues at the first signs of allergies.

On a personal note,

I am a currently a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom, and in my previous life, I was a Special Education teacher.

  • I have been blessed with two children.
  • I have been homeschooling for 7 years.
  • I sing (loudly) and have hand motions to every Veggie Tale and Go Fish song.
  • I love to garden, draw, and walk in the woods.
  • I have an amazing husband.

God is Good!

I am so grateful that I finally tried Young Living essential oils.  They have made such a difference in our family, and I cannot wait to share them with everyone.  I rub oils on people all the time, and I am constantly saying, “Hey, smell THIS!”  Please browse around my site, and contact me if you have any questions. Connect with me on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, or Tumblr.

And remember, YOU are in charge of your health!

Thanks so much for visiting!
